Author Guideline


Software and format: Microsoft Word 6.0 is preferred. Do not use desktop publishing software such as Aldus PageMaker or Quark XPress. If you have prepared your manuscript with one of these programs, export the text to a word processing format. Please do not deliver files that contain hidden text: for example, do not use your word processor's automated features to create footnotes or reference lists.

Manuscript  should be typed double spaced with ample margin in A4 size paper.

For English -

The manuscript shall be prepared in Times New Roman font using a font size of 12. Title shall be in font size 14. All section titles  in the manuscript shall be in font size 12 bold face capitals, Subtitles in each section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case followed by a column.

For Hindi -
  The manuscript shall be prepared in Krudi Dev 010 font using a font size of 14. Title shall be in font size 16. All section titles  in the manuscript shall be in font size 14 bold face capitals, Subtitles in each section shall be in font size 14, bold face lower case followed by a column.

The page setup is ( A4 )  Papers should have the following sections

1. Title of the paper

2. Name of the author(s) with initials and the name and address of the institution where the work was done must be given. Present address(es) of author(s) may be given if they are different from the above.

3. Abstracts: All papers must have an abstract of not more than 200 words of the significant results reported in the paper. Presentation of numerical results should be avoided as far as possible in the abstract.

4. Key words: Between 3 and 6 key words must be provided for the purpose of indexing and information retrieval.

5. Text: The paper must be divided into sections starting preferably with 'Introduction' and ending with 'Conclusions'.

6. References: All the references must be in the following order.

1 Bhat M V, Ravindranathan M S and Rao G V J. Org. Chem. 1984, 49, 3170.

2 Gould E S, Mechanism and Structure in Organic Chemistry; Holt Riehart and

Winston:New York, 1964, 181.

3 Slothers J B, Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy; 2nd ed.; Searle, C. E., Ed.; ACS

Monograph 182; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1984; Vol. 2, Chapter

Style: Articles must be written in MS Word and viewable without errors using the latest

officially-released version of Microsoft corporation. Other files will not be accepted. Articles may be one large file, or broken into many files.

Tables: Tables should be prepared using MS Word or Excel Tables should be numbered sequentially as they appear, i.e. Table 1, Table 2, etc.

Figures: Figures may be included within the body of the manuscript or may be submitted as a separate (*xls) file. Figures should be numbered sequentially as they appear, i.e. Figure 1, Figure 2, etc., and a caption should appear directly below each figure. Figures may be *.xls, GIF or JPEG format.

Mathematical Equations: Authors may create their mathematical equations by using equation editor or may be prepared by their choice and then save the equation as an image, either as a gif or jpeg file. These files should then be embedded within the text in an appropriate location.

Spectra :IR and NMR Spectra should be submitted in the JPEG or GIF format,


1. The Articles should be brief, clear and to the point, avoiding unnecessary historical background. Authors should cover their subjects with reasonable thoroughness and completeness. The articles should be reasonably subdivided into sections, and if necessary, into subsections. All articles are subjected to critical reviews by referees.

3. The authors should assign numbers and titles to all the tables. All the table columns should have explanatory headings.

4. The text should be in MS Word format (*.doc ).

5. The figures should be in GIF, TIF or Excel format and may be embedded in text.

6. All the color figures will be reproduced in full color free of cost in the online edition of the journal.

7. The papers must normally present the results of the original work. The Critical reviews of important fields will also be considered for publication.

8. The submission of the script will be taken to imply that it has not been previously published and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. If the scripts are accepted for publication, the author should not publish it elsewhere.

9. The articles should be submitted through website submission page or Submission through e-mail is preferable.

10. All contacts shall be by e-mail. All the authors should have an e-mail id.

11. The e-mail id for submission of articles as an attached file is

12. Reprints may be downloaded directly from the website.

13. Those who are submitting their manuscripts are requested to send one printed copy each (for office reference) along with the publication agreement which is available in the website.

14. The responsibility of the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the publisher.

Unless otherwise stated, submission of a manuscript will be understood to mean that the paper has been neither copyrighted, classified, published, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere.

Authors of E-Journal of Advanced Research are jointly responsible for their content. Credit for the content and responsibility for errors or fraud are borne equally by all authors.

15. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes if necessary in the research articles.

16. Authors are requested to prepare the manuscript according to E-Journal of Advanced Research guidelines

17. All the articles may preferably be submitted through our online manuscript submission central in the following URL.